2024 Grampians ‘Ride to Remember’ a great success on a hot day

Over 500 riders and pillions took part in the 2024 Grampians “Ride to Remember” held on Sunday, February 4th, with this year’s signature regional event being one of the largest ever.
Waved off from Ararat, riders proceeded to journey via the rural countryside to Pomonal where morning tea was served, then continued around both Lake Fyans and Lake Lonsdale, headed to Halls Gap then onto Lake Bellfield before returning back through Halls Gap. Riders were able see the procession of the bikes going the other way which was reported as one of the highlights of the Ride. The Ride ended back in Ararat for the popular Show N Shine.
Ride Chairman, Dean Pinniger highlighted the valuable support sponsors together with great assistance from all the staff including Ararat RSL & Lions Club, AME Systems, Ararat Motorcycle Club, East Grampians Health Service, the Blue Ribbon Foundation, Ararat Branch members, partners and the many community volunteers.
Ararat Branch President Dianne Radford presented a cheque for $40,000 to East Grampians Health Services Board Vice Chairman and CEO Nick Bush.