Blue Ribbon Foundation supports Ultrasound project
The Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation Ararat Branch presented a cheque for $70,000 to East Grampians Health Service as part of its commitment to the purchase of a new Ultrasound system.
The donation is the first instalment in the project, with the Branch expecting to make another donation prior to Christmas and complete the full $135,000 project following the Grampians ‘Ride to Remember’ in February. The Ultrasound system was purchased and installed at EGHS recently, following the Branch’s commitment to the project.
Ararat Branch president Dianne Radford said the branch was pleased to be able to present the first instalment towards the ultrasound system.
“The Ultrasound system is another vital piece of equipment for the Medical Imaging Department, part of the recently dedicated Blue Ribbon Foundation Wing, which we are delighted to support.” Mrs Radford said.
EGHS chief executive Nick Bush thanked Blue Ribbon Foundation Ararat Branch for its generous support of the Ultrasound system project.
“Through the Foundation, we are able to provide state of the art equipment and facilities, which would not be possible if not for this generosity and support.” Mr Bush said.
In demonstrating the ultrasound system to the Blue Ribbon Foundation members, EGHS
sonographer/radiographer Amy Ferguson said the new equipment was fantastic, easy to use and provided high quality images.
“It is the same ultrasound system we have in use in our other scanning rooms, so it makes it much more efficient for our staff to use,” she said.

Pictured are EGHS sonographer/radiographer Amy Ferguson, EGHS Director of Finance Tony
Roberts and Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation Ararat Branch president Dianne Radford.