Greater Shepparton
Contact Details
President: David Doherty
155 Welsford Street
Shepparton, 3630
Treasurer: Leigh Johnson
0425 774 615
P: David Doherty 0402 739 485 David Doherty 0402 739 485
The branch is active in the local community and joined with the community to install facilities at Goulburn Valley Health including the Eyre-Tynan Emergency Department and the Ray Denman Short Stay Unit.
On 24 August 2022, the Greater Shepparton Blue Ribbon Foundation branch and Goulburn Valley Health hosted a Police Memorial Dedication Ceremony in Shepparton to honour the life and service of Constable Victor Nelson (12 July 1925) and Senior Constable Ian Crilly (13 August 1994) with the dedication of the Shepparton Hospital (GV Health) Emergency Department Isolation Room attached to the Emergency Department named on their honour.
A very special memorial piece that will honour all members of Victoria Police who have died in the line of duty was unveiled. The memorial plaque will be located in gardens adjacent to the Shepparton Hospital emergency department. GV Health has offered this to the Blue Ribbon Foundation to install the memorial. The space will also be fitted with seating and shade so it can be a space of quiet reflection, especially for those who may have family or friends being treated in the Emergency Department.
The Greater Shepparton branch are eager to recruit some additional volunteers and members, please contact Branch President David Doherty.