Charlie helping to change lives

The Blue Ribbon Foundation and #fightingptsdvicpol are please to announce our second Police Assistance Dog (PAD), Charlie has been allocated to a loving home with retired veteran Julie.

Fighting PTSD founder Glenn “Dutchy” Holland visited Julie and Charlie in Qld last week and got a few kisses from Charlie.

In 2023, The Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation in conjunction with the #fightingptsdvicpol campaign commenced the PAD program. During this time, we have raised over $200,000 which is being held in Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundations mental health fund.

Charlie and Julie, who now lives in Queensland, are loving a brand new life and taking journies outside the constraints of a home. From just shopping in a supermarket to jumping on a plane to travel to Victoria, this would never had happened without the support of Charlie Kane.

Julie said that the training of Charlie is amazing. As a past breeder herself, she said Charlie’s ability to understand sensory and emotional changes is just incredible.

Charlie was trained in Queensland with Assistance Dogs Australia and was matched through a 12 month process supported by Blue Ribbon Foundation with the application forms filled in with assistance of good friend Margie Lewis.

Assistance Dogs Australia will continue to support Julie and Charlie forever. 

The #fightingptsdvicpol campaign for nearly 9 years now has been raising awareness for PTSD and Mental Health for our Victoria Police members and Retired Police Veterans.

If any Retired Victoria Police Veteran is interested in making an application please utilise the contact details on our website.

It is life changing.