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Gift in your Will

The Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation perpetuates the memory of all Victoria Police Officers who have died in the line of duty through the support of worthwhile community projects within Victoria. The Foundation has a long history of funding lifesaving equipment and services for public hospitals and dedicating those projects in honour of Victoria Police members.
By leaving a gift in your Will to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation, you will have a lasting impact in assisting the Foundation to save lives by remembering others.
The Foundation is reliant on the generosity and philanthropy of our supporters to fund our work.
All legacies of any size are truly valuable to support the work of the Foundation in honouring Victoria Police members who have died in the line of duty.
How to make a bequest to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation
There are three ways you can leave a lasting legacy. You can nominate:
- A monetary or specific bequest
- A residual bequest, or
- A proportional bequest
When drawing up or making changes to your Will, it is always best to consult a solicitor to ensure that your intentions are properly recorded and your wishes are carried out. If you already have a Will, then the easiest way to include a bequest to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation (VPBRF) is with a codicil which is a formal addition that updates and amends your existing Will.
Monetary and specific bequest
A monetary bequest is a gift of a set amount of money; a specific bequest is a gift of property (i.e. jewellery, stocks & shares, property).
Suggested wording follows:
“I bequeath to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation (VPBRF) ABN: 40 715 029 918 [the sum of ……dollars ($…….)] or [name specific possession] free from all duties or other taxes, whether State or Federal, to be used for the general purposes of the Service, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the executor(s).”
Residual bequest
A residual bequest is a gift of all or part of the value of your estate after you have provided for your family, and other liabilities have been met.
Suggested wording follows:
“I bequeath to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation (VPBRF) ABN: 40 715 029 918 the balance and residue of my estate to be used for the general purposes of the Service free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the executor(s).”
Proportional bequest
A proportional bequest will provide a gift to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation of a specific percentage of your estate.
Suggested wording follows:
“I bequeath to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation (VPBRF) ABN: 40 715 029 918 [insert percentage amount] to be used for the general purposes of the Service free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the executor(s).”
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Further information
If you require any further information, please contact the Foundation on (03) 9555 8000 or email