Blue Ribbon Day 2019

Blue Ribbon Day is 29 September, which coincides with National Police Remembrance Day. Blue Ribbon Day is a chance for the community to say thank you to those who put themselves in harm’s way, and ensure that those who have fallen are not forgotten.
We hope you will support our campaign to say thank you to Victoria Police officers for their work in serving & protecting our community whilst also remembering the 164 members who have died in the line of duty.
There are many ways for Victorians to support Blue Ribbon Day. You can buy a Blue Ribbon or donate to the Blue Ribbon Day Appeal. You could also share a thank you message to Victoria Police officers via social media using the hashtags #thankyouVicPol #BlueRibbonDay2019

We value the opportunity to provide recognition for individuals, businesses and/or groups that make a significant contribution to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation and the community. On Tuesday 9 July 2019 our Chairman David Mann and CEO Neil Soullier were proud to present our 2019 Blue Ribbon Foundation Awards, the recipients were :
- Community Service Awards – Somerville Junior Football Club, Gail Jenkins and Rodney Rigby.
- Chairman’s Award Pat Boyle, Campbell Mill and Jenny Davis,
- John Forbes Community Sports Award – Alan Lewer ,
- Frank Green Memorial Award – Victoria Police Legacy,
- Police Officer of the Year Award – Paula Allen
We also thank our guest speakers – Acting, Chief Commissioner Shane Patton, Squad 29 & 30 Constable Dain Fay and our MC Alexandra West from our Blue Ribbon Foundation – Mildura Branch. Thank you to Squad 29 & 30 who supported our event this morning, we wish them all success in their police career.
Today we were honoured to support the Memorial Dedication and award ceremony for Aimee Milne.
In July 1936, Senior Detective Milne and his wife Aimee were in bed by 11pm. At 3.20am the couple woke to find a bomb had been flung into their bedroom — Sen-Det Milne was the target.
Sen-Det Milne was seriously injured, but along with his two children, survived. Aimee Milne died at the scene.
Today, eight decades on, Mrs Milne is the first civilian to be awarded the prestigious Victoria Police Star. The honour was awarded by Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton to acknowledge the unique and often unpredictable dangers of police work.
Although Mrs Milne was not a police member, investigations found her death was intrinsically linked to her husband’s work.
Family members were present today, for the grave dedication and to accept the Victoria Police Star from the Chief Commissioner.

Play for Purpose is a not-for-profit raffle raising money for charities and sporting clubs.
Every ticket has a one in 34 chance of winning a prize with 7,500 prizes to win. It’s never been so much fun to make a difference so grab a Play For Purpose ticket at
With a one in 34 chance of winning $500,000 worth of prizes, and a minimum of 50% of every ticket you buy going directly to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation. Play For Purpose is the ultimate win-win raffle.
Congratulations to our Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation – Gippsland Branch who yesterday donated $80,000 towards building stage 3 of the Gippsland Rotary Centenary House (GRCH). This is a community-based not-for-profit accommodation facility, for patients and their families who are attending the Gippsland Cancer Care Centre at Latrobe Regional Hospital.
The Gippsland branch committee has done amazing work to raise the funds and we sincerely thank the local community for their wonderful support. This will be dedicated to Victoria Police Officer/s who have died in the line of duty. Further details on the dedication will be announced once stage 3 of the works is completed.
Registrations are now open for the Angela Taylor Memorial Run Walk to be held on Sunday 28 April 2019.
For further details and registrations
This week, our Foundation was proud to honour the life and service of Constable Neil Clinch with a dedication ceremony at Northern Hospital. The new Paediatric Emergency High Acuity Unit at Northern Hospital named in his honour will help save precious young lives. We congratulate our Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation – Northern Metro Branch for their vision and commitment to see this dedication come to life.
Tragically, Constable Neil Clinch was killed whilst on duty – 5 April 1987 – he will never be forgotten.
Elvie Clinch (Neil’s mother) and the broader Clinch family joined us for the ceremony. Assistant Commissioner Russell Barrett presented Elvie with Neil’s Police Valour Award, the highest police award for bravery.
Details of the hospital dedication
The international blockbuster musical JERSEY BOYS is coming to Melbourne in 2019 and will hold a very special one night performance dedicated to four important charities raising funds for great causes.
We are very fortunate to be one of the charities that will benefit from this special performance, with $50 of every ticket sale to be distributed between the four charities.
Jersey Boys Charity Performance tickets are now on sale for Friday 1 March 2019 at Regent Theatre, Melbourne. Tickets can be purchased here:…
JERSEY BOYS is the story of how a group of blue-collar boys from the wrong side of the tracks became one of the biggest American pop sensations of all time. The musical features the Four Season’s hits including Big Girls Don’t Cry, Sherry, and Can’t Take My Eyes off you.
This year Victoria Police recognises and remembers five police officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice while on duty. These officers will be honoured with their place on the Police Memorial Honour Wall and the Honour Roll.
Click on names for further information on these Officers :
- Sergeant Edward Leonard
- Constable James Maguire
- First Constable George William Carter
- Senior Constable James Leslie Dunscombe
- Constable Kenneth McNeil
A big thank you to Woolworths who are helping us to kick goals for Blue Ribbon Day.
Until 2 October you can donate or purchase a $2 footy jumper token at Woolworths Victorian supermarkets. You can add your name to the token to be displayed instore as a public show of support.
100% of funds raised goes to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation to continue our work in supporting public hospitals with life saving projects honouring the 159 police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.…/current-public-hospital-projects/