
All Honour Roll Members

Dedicated to all Victoria Police members on Honour Roll

Box Hill Hospital

We were excited to mark our 30th anniversary in 2018 with a commitment to the largest single community project we have funded.

The new Critical Circulatory Support Service at Eastern Health’s Box Hill Hospital in honour of all Victoria Police Officers who have died in the line of duty. This new service is led by Eastern Health’s Cardiology and Intensive Care Unit teams. The funding delivered equipment and established a simulation training centre to enable Eastern Health to provide artificial heart-lung support. This new service allows Box Hill Hospital to immediately rescue and best treat any patient experiencing life threatening heart or lung failure.

The official Dedication Ceremony – Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation Critical Circulatory Support Service Box Hill Hospital – was held in September 2019 with key project partners and families of the fallen Victoria Police members attending – see photographs of the ceremony

We thank our major partners in this project :

  • Eastern Football League
  • Freemasons Victoria Foundation
  • Woolworths
  • Bank Vic
  • Lotus Energy
  • Victor Smorgon Chartiable Fund
  • Guests, sponsors and supporters of the Blue Ribbon Foundation Ball.


Each and every name of the Victoria Police Officers who have died in the line of duty  will be displayed on a plaque at Box Hill hospital so that those who benefit from this life-saving facility will know that the price of its existence extends far beyond the financial cost. The 20 metre plaque was due to be installed early 2020 but this has been delayed due to COVID.