-Kostiuk and Atkin
Victor Kostiuk & Garth Atkin – Emergency Dept Intubation Facilities
Frankston & Rosebud Hospitals
- Branches:
- Peninsula
Since 2011, the Peninsula Branch of the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation has been enormously active in their communities to provide much-needed emergency facilities to Peninsula hospitals at Frankston & Rosebud.
In November 2021, the Branch dedicated the Emergency Dept Intubation Facilities for Frankston and Rosebud hospitals, in memory of Detective Senior Sergeant Victor Kostiuk and Constable Garth Atkin.
Emergency Video Intubation Equipment (CMac video-laryngoscope system) assists intubation in both adults and children. It is state of the art, equipment and the quality is unparalleled. Emergency Video Intubation Equipment is considered gold standard for difficult intubations.
The purchase of this modern equipment now brings both Emergency Departments in line with Hospitals across Victoria and will make a significant impact on patient outcomes.
A donation by the Peninsula Branch of the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation and its supporters has enabled the purchase of FIVE advanced C-Mac Video Laryngoscopes with three being ultilised at Frankston and two at Rosebud.

Dedication Ceremony November 2021 – Kostiuk and Atkin families with Chief Commissioner Shane Patton, Blue Ribbon Foundation Chair David Mann and Peninsula President Darryl Nation