
Tim Lewczuk

The Tim Lewczuk Urgent Care Centre

Western Hospital Footscray

This project was jointly funded by the Blue Ribbon Foundation and its Westgate Branch, which covers the Western suburbs of Melbourne. It resulted from a commitment to Western Health to assist with funding for new emergency facilities at the Footscray campus. Together with the Central Branch of the Foundation it was decided that we would fund the upgrades to the Emergency Department that would enable more efficient patient care and improvements within the working environment for medical staff that could lead to more effective monitoring, movement and treatment of patients.

To complete these works the Foundation committed to a donation of $125,000 with $95,000 to be raised by the Westgate Branch in local communities and $30,000 from Blue Ribbon Foundation Central Funds.

On completion the upgraded Emergency Department was dedicated as a Police Memorial in honour Senior Constable Timothy Lewczuk (27626) who died in the line of duty when he was struck by a car on the Western Ring Road, Ardeer during a routine traffic intercept.


The Tim Lewczuk Bridge

In recognition of S/C Lewczuk’s death and service to the community, Vicroads renamed the bridge on the Western Ring Road at Ardeer in his memory. The formal naming and Police Honours ceremony at the site was attended by Tim’s parents and extended family, The Minister for Police, the Deputy Commissioner and police colleagues, members of the Blue Ribbon Foundation and executives from Vicroads.