Latest News – July 2019

15 Jul

2019 Blue Ribbon Foundation Award winners announced

Posted by: Blue Ribbon Foundation

Top right – Neil Soullier and Shane Patton with Mark Kennedy and Mark Byers who accepted the 2019 Police Officer of the Year award on behalf of LSC Paula Allen Bottom Left – Mark Lewer, Natasha Lewer with Jett and Tess. The John Forbes Community Sport Award was posthumously awarded to Alan Lewer. Bottom Right – Community Service Award Winners – Somerville Junior Football Club with Neil Soullier and Acting Chief Commissioner Shane Patton

We value the opportunity to provide recognition for individuals, businesses and/or groups that make a significant contribution to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation and the community. On Tuesday 9 July 2019 our Chairman David Mann and CEO Neil Soullier were proud to present our 2019 Blue Ribbon Foundation Awards, the recipients were :

  • Community Service Awards – Somerville Junior Football Club, Gail Jenkins and Rodney Rigby.
  • Chairman’s Award Pat Boyle, Campbell Mill and Jenny Davis,
  • John Forbes Community Sports Award – Alan Lewer ,
  • Frank Green Memorial Award – Victoria Police Legacy,
  • Police Officer of the Year Award – Paula Allen

We also thank our guest speakers – Acting, Chief Commissioner Shane Patton, Squad 29 & 30 Constable Dain Fay and our MC Alexandra West from our Blue Ribbon Foundation – Mildura Branch. Thank you to Squad 29 & 30 who supported our event this morning, we wish them all success in their police career.